Tuesday 29 November 2011

The edge of the Abyss @ No 10

"I want to tell you a story", Arturo said, as we huddled near a large flat screen TV watching a packed House of Commons listening to 'Georgy' Osborne. "There was once a man, one of the leaders of his country, who gave a speech to a large convention. He said, 'My friends, we stand on the edge of the abyss. This year, we shall take one giant step forward!'"

Arturo nearly choked himself laughing at the story! Of course, I knew what he was really talking about - 'Georgy' Osborne, of course. I think that 'Mesmer Eyes' Balls would have appreciated the joke and agreed with it.

Today's Autumn Statement was what one expected - loads of words, figures and prognostications signifying nothing other than pain for the poor, a bit of discomfort for the rich and agony for the public sector workers - Oh and not much to sing about for the UK either.

Was it significant that yesterday, 'Mop-Head' Boris Johnson guided our Georgy around a new building site in Battersea? It was reported in the Daily Telegraph under the heading: Come stand near the edge, Boris Johnson tells George Osborne; With Britain's economic forecasts growing ever more gloomy before the Chancellor's Autumn Statement, the Mayor of London tries to lighten the mood with a little joke on a visit to a construction site.

It went on to report:
... Boris Johnson attempted to beckon the Chancellor over to edge of a large hole on a visit to a building site in Battersea, south London.

"George, just come and stand near the edge," Mr Johnson quipped as the pair toured the regeneration site yesterday, where several new residential properties are under construction.
... Wisely, the Chancellor avoided the photo opportunity on the day that the Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development predicted that the UK would slip back into recession.

In effect, Georgy has been standing near the edge of the abyss for some time. We must all hope that today he didn't take himself and the country on one giant step forward!

Arturo and I are having sardines for supper tonight - thought you'd like to know that!


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