Tuesday 28 February 2012

NHS Bill going up in smoke @ No 10

"Ah Ha!" Arturo exclaimed. "About time too! These Physicians have taken their time about it - but like the 7th Cavalry, they are riding to the rescue!" He indicated a laptop screen.

I peered at it for some time, still trying to get the image of the 7th Cavalry out of my head! I read:
Royal College of Physicians EGM strongly opposed to Health Bill

I now understood Arturo's comment, 'About time too!'. However, if you are in a wagon circled by gunslingers any sounding of the 7th Cavalry bugle comes as welcome relief. And you have to admit that the poor old NHS is surrounded by a motley gang of unscrupulous gunslingers.

First there is 'Silly Ass' Lansley metaphorically flashing his Colt 45 at anyone daring to criticise his NHS plans. His jaw set determinedly against any more changes to the so-called 'reforms'. In the debate today in Parliament, he looked angry and out-of-sorts spitting verbal bullets in all directions. If Nicholas 'Ridiculous' Clegg had made himself available he would surely have been the main target!

Why Nicholas 'Ridiculous' Clegg, do you ask? Well, Clegg is worried, very worried indeed. Not about the NHS, you understand! No. He's worried that in just under two weeks' time the LibDems will be holding their Spring Conference.

The Conference website states:
Spring Conference, 9-11 March 2012, NewcastleGateshead
Under 'Health', it states:
The NHS represents values which unite us as a nation - a comprehensive health service, which treats all people equally, and is free when we need it.

On 27 February, a letter appeared on the site from Clegg and Baroness Shirley Williams. Towards the end of the letter, they said:
... we believe conference can be reassured that it has finished the job it started last March and the Bill should be allowed to proceed.

Well! Well! Nicholas 'Ridiculous' Clegg and Baroness Williams how can you possibly square that sentiment with the view expressed by many of the Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians that:
the Health and Social Care Bill will harm the health and healthcare of the population
and that
the College should publicly oppose the Health and Social Care Bill

And this, of course, is why our Clegg, being a shrewd chap with impeccable PR credentials, has decided to make a show of standing up for the NHS. He hopes to save his skin from the more vocal members of his Party who actually really believe that
patients must come first

'Silly Ass' Lansley's verbal bullets would also be aimed directly at the Royal College of Physicians, if he could reach them! They have taken a long time to saddle their horses and spur them into action. But now they are ready to sound the 'Charge!'.

On the abetternhs website, the following details about the Monday 27 February EGM of the Royal College of Physicians can be found:
89% agreed that the Health and Social Care Bill will harm the health and healthcare of the population (8% voted against, 3% abstained)

79% agreed that the College should publicly oppose the Health and Social Care Bill (18% voted against, 2% abstained)

At the Meeting, it was announced that
Over 92% of 878 fellows and members who responded to the survey said they believed the RCP should publicly call for the withdrawal of the Health and Social Care Bill

Now this is really quite something! The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) is the oldest of the Royal Colleges. It can trace its roots back to King Henry VIII. Old Henry would be amazed to see the RCP beginning to take its stand against the unruly mob of the Coalition which seems hell-bent on destroying the NHS. Their stand began yesterday at the Extraordinary General Meeting.

Dr David Nicholl was one of the Fellows who spoke at the meeting. Subsequently, he wrote in the Guardian Comment is Free
The NHS bill is beyond repair
. He wrote:
Like all such institutions, the RCP is a cautious and careful organisation. Maybe, it is sometimes even a little slow. It certainly does not naturally line up in the ranks of political activists and campaigners.
He continued:
... the conclusion of most of those at today's meetimg is that the bill is incoherent, damaging to the NHS and beyond rescue.

He went on to say:
We were told that the bill would make the NHS more efficient and more cost effective. It won't....We were told that the bill would make things less bureaucratic. It won't. ... We were told that the bill was essential to control spiralling healthcare costs. It isn't. ... We were told that the bill means more choice for patients and more control over their healthcare. It doesn't.

Each of his points was carefully presented. Dr Nicholl argued that:
For all these reasons and others, doctors, nurses and other health professionals have finally concluded that the bill is beyond rescue. Opinion polls show that view is shared by a large majority of the British public.

It is a very sad reflection on the intransigence of both 'Boy David' Cameron and 'Silly Ass' Lansley that men of standing, integrity and honour are forced to speak publicly of their sadness.

Arturo was nodding away to himself, the whole time. Then suddenly he said:
"Boy, oh Boy! Once these Physicians get going then the going will get really rough! A full 7th Cavalry Charge in full-on mode is not to be withstood!"

We looked at each other and decided to have a sup at the bowl of cream left so invitingly on the kitchen table!


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