Sunday 19 February 2012

Responsible ... What? @ No 10

"It's a weird world", Arturo told me. "There are campaigns for 'responsible gambling' and 'responsible drinking'. Fat people are told to eat in a responsible way and slim down! Poor people are told to be responsible and to get a job - when there aren't any! I could go on! You get the gist?"

He's right, of course! There's obviously a vigorous campaign to push responsible behaviour. Let's take a look at the 'actualities', as they say!

On every High Street there are more Betting Shops than food stores! In every supermarket there are row upon row of discounted cans of lager, cider and beer. Every half hour or so there are cooking programmes on the TV. These are followed by adverts for chocolates or crisps!

Betting shop windows offer either '£10 of free bets!', 'More slots!' or 'Win! Win! Win!' Obviously gambling is being very actively
promoted. So as Arturo asked
How can you gamble responsibly with all that going on?

The Gambling Commission states that one of its roles will :
ensure that gambling licence holders act in a socially responsible way towards their customers.

So! If that is the case - what's responsible about all the in-your-face advertising that promises people that they can 'win! win! win!'? Maybe - just maybe - once in a while, it might be an idea for the Gambling Commission to make sure that the 'responsibility' is not overwhelmed by the fantastical promotions!

Responsible drinking is a joke too! Doctors warn about the number of units that are 'safe' to drink. They have explained how the numbers of young people presenting with serious liver damage is increasing. At weekends, town centres are full of youngsters binge-drinking and causing mayhem to themselves and others.

Meanwhile, politicians gabble about whether or not to set a realistic, specific minimum price for alcohol. Of course, the government gets good revenue from the drinks trade! And what's responsible about row after row of supermarket shelves piled high with cheap drinks? Arturo mumbled
How can you drink responsibly with all that going on?

So far, there are no campaigns actually called 'responsible eating'. However, there are hints that the obese need to cut out the calories. This is difficult when chips and burgers are so cheap. Then there's BOGOF - Buy One Get One Free. BOGOF is nearly always on chocolates, crisps or fizzy, sugar-laden drinks! Arturo licked his lips and muttered
How can you eat responsibly with all that going on?

'Boy David' Cameron, never slow at jumping on a speeding bandwagon, just loves to utter the word 'responsible'. It's just SO cognoscenti, don't you know? And where better to apply the adjective than before the precious word 'capitalism'?

Last week, Cameron uttered the word 'responsible' several times during a speech. The Guardian commented below the video of Cameron's speech:
In a speech on 'responsible, popular capitalism' at New Zealand House in central London, David Cameron says open markets are the best method of increasing human wealth and happiness. He says the capitalist system promotes morality in a 'something-for- something' society, because it creates a direct link between contribution and reward

So, what did 'Boy David' Cameron actually say?
"Three years ago I argued that the previous government's turbo-capitalism turned a blind eye to corporate excess...

...while we believed in responsible capitalism and would make it happen."

Well, well! That's telling 'em!

He went on:
"I want these difficult economic times to achieve more than just paying down the deficit and encouraging growth.

I want them to lead to a socially responsible and genuinely popular capitalism.

One in which the power of the market and the obligations of responsibility come together."

Fine words! Worthy of the most brilliant minds among the cognoscenti! But has it happened? The poorest in the country are getting poorer. Benefits are being cut! Homelessness is rising. Food prices are going up! Oh! I nearly forgot! Bankers are still getting bonuses!

If that's 'socially responsible and genuinely popular capitalism' then what's irresponsible capitalism going to be like?

"Humans are strange creatures!" Arturo nodded sadly. "I think you and me, mi old pal, is goin' to do a bit of responsible food-catching. That means we're goin' to grab those chicken thighs on top of the kitchen work-surface!"

"Just like the bankers did?" I asked

"Yep! You could say that again!" Arturo grinned.


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