Friday 6 January 2012

It wasn't me, guv, honest! @ No 10

Arturo kept shaking his head at the radio. He was tuned in to BBC Radio4. He turned to me and said. "All our PM is really saying is: 'It wasn't me, Guv, honest!'"

It was so true. 'Boy David' Cameron's BBC 'Today' programme interview with Evan Davies was a wild attempt to prove:

1. It wasn't me, guv, what got us into this mess, in the first place!
2. It was them lot what gone before us - they done it!
3. Those pesky Europeans have gone and messed up mi plans to get us 'back on track'!

When perky Evan Davies reminded Cameron that he always criticised Gordon Brown for popping up and making announcements about things not his direct concern, Cameron tried to bat the accusation away.

So, let's find what were some of the things Cameron said in his New Year speech:
I will be bold about working to cure the problems of our society. While a few at the top get rewards that seem to have nothing to do with the risks they take or the effort they put in, many others are stuck on benefits, without hope or responsibility. So we will tackle excess in the City just as we’re reforming welfare to make work pay and support families.

I profoundly believe that we can turn these things around. That’s what I mean by the Big Society. The British people have got what it takes – and the government has got the ideas and policies we need.

In fact, 'Boy David' Cameron pontificates all the time about everything that he personally, in his guise as Superman, is going to solve. The topics range from the way families should interact; how parents should parent; how nurses should nurse; how old people are to be looked after.

How marvellous all this sounds. Great sound bites! However, how is it all going to be done? As far as the logistics are concerned it seems all UK subjects should look after each other! Hang on! Where are the resources to make all this possible, apart from lots of eyewash about the Big Society?

Clearly, the matters Cameron raises are essential aspects of life, we would all agree. Are they, however, the direct and proper place for a Prime Minister to stick his oar in? Well, er ... no, actually! Unless, of course, you advocate the Nanny State. We all know that Cameron abhors the prospect of a Nanny State. Hasn't he told us so - many times. Nanny States cost loads of dosh - and this Coalition does NOT want to spend any extra dosh on welfare or benefits.

And while we're talking - what about the bankers and the City? Give 'em a big hand, one and all! They certainly give themselves one - and a big bonus to boot! What was it that our beloved PM said in his New Year message
"... we will tackle excess in the City ...".
Great! Terrific idea! But exactly what is PM Cameron going to do about it?

Mr Cameron, you've told the nurses how to nurse. You've told youngsters how they need to get qualifications and find a job. It seems you have even talked to the bankers! Why aren't you in the City, every day, ensuring that the bankers cease grabbing the money and start lending it to small businesses?

Now, that is something a PM must talk about and act upon. Why are we waiting ... oh why are we waiting ...? Nothing done yet to stop the City rot. It's already past Twelfth Night!

Never mind, eh! Remember what you said in the New Year message:
The British people have got what it takes.
The worry for us all, Prime Minister Cameron, is - have you?


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