Wednesday 18 January 2012

Not brothers under the skin @ No 10

"I always said it would end in tears!" Arturo said knowingly.

"What will? Who's tears?" I asked rather lamely.

"The lads, of course.... And don't ask 'which lads?'? It's obvious." With a gesture of disdain, he pointed at a computer monitor bearing the headline:
How will the Coalition cope with a year of living fractiously?
The blog was by Benedict Brogan of the Daily Telegraph. He commented:
Resentments that were easily tamed in the first flush of political flirtation will rise to the surface. The differences between the two men will become more apparent. It has barely started, yet already 2012 is turning into the Coalition’s year of living fractiously. Where previously we speculated about an amicable parting in time for the 2015 election, we should now prepare for an unhappy estrangement that turns this once remarkable partnership into a bad-tempered marriage of convenience.

Arturo and I have noticed how 'Wailing Lad' Clegg looks increasingly miserable and uncomfortable in the presence of 'Boy David' Cameron. In turn, Cameron seems increasingly confident, shoulders back, hair well-coiffured; blue tie being worn ever more proudly. Indeed, his confrontational posture at PMQs is progressively apparent. Some of the metallic tones of the responses to Miliband - Ed that is not David - are frequently Flashmanlike. What is more - Cameron makes no effort to play down the bully-boy stance. Seemingly, he enjoys his own repartee and the impact it has on his victims!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch - Clegg rushes from one ill-judged cause to another. He was convinced he could give his party 'voting reform'. It all ended in tears!

Next, his excitement at the prospect of 'reforming' the House of Lords was embarrassing. He said:
The Lords is perhaps the most potent symbol of a closed society. The Lords as currently constituted is an affront to the principles of openness which underpin a modern democracy. So we will have a Lords Reform Bill in the second session of this parliament.

Here speaks a man who worked for the European Union for several years - a more potent example of a 'closed society' it is hard to imagine. Yet, he made no effort to reform the EU!

Many have warned 'Wailing Lad' Clegg to turn his energies to more pressing issues. Issues that might bring a degree of success and put a spring into the step of other LibDems. But for some inexplicable reason he is set on targeting the Lords!

Then there is the fraught question of 'did he, or did he not, agree to Cameron's veto in Europe'? At first, he seemed to imply he knew all about it beforehand. Next, he said he wanted no part of it. Which of these is true?

There is the issue of the Health and Social Care Bill! Without the efforts of the redoubtable Baroness Shirley Williams, a LibDem peer, and Lord David Owen, independent crossbench peer, where would the Bill be? It would not have been questioned so closely, that is for certain. 'Wailing Lad' Clegg maybe uncomfortable about it, but has made no really effective attacks. Without these 'unelected peers' he so wishes to be rid of, the Bill could easily have slipped through without real scrutiny.

As for the Coalition partner - Cameron - he runs roughshod over the weakly led LibDems and their ideals. Old hands such as Charlie Kennedy and Menzies Cambell have seemingly retreated from the frontline in apparent horror. Who can blame them? Student fees were to be abolished NOT increased! Welfare was to be a main focus! The countryside was to be protected not developed! So many lovingly held LibDem ideals - so many disappointments!

At TV showings of Parliament, initially Clegg looked just like Arturo when he has just received a bowl of cream. Now, Clegg looks like the little boy caught with his finger in the pie!

Now, Arturo and I are off to see if we can find our own 'bowl of cream'.

'Bye' from us both

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