Thursday 10 May 2012

Laurel & Hardy @ CNH Tractors, sorry - @ No 10

"They look just like Laurel and Hardy!" Arturo laughed.

"Who?" I asked, peering at his copy of 'The Times' on May 9.

"These two." He pointed at a photo of 'Wailing Lad' Clegg and 'Boy David' Cameron.

The photo showed a rather bow-legged Clegg, looking his usual miserable self. He was standing next to a puffed-up Cameron, legs apart and jacket-less. They were re-launching themselves as a pair. A pair of what, do I hear you ask? As well you might!

They are re-launching their partnership at the head of the Coalition. This is not the lovey-dovey scenario of the Downing Street rose garden. This is the gritty down-to-earth shop-floor of CNH Tractors in Basildon, Essex.

In the photo, there are a large group of male workers staring in evident amazement at these two comedians desperately trying to demonstrate they are still a force in the land with realistic, dynamic policies that will ensure success for everyone - but particularly their own careers.

How like Laurel and Hardy they appear. Clegg's face showing the anguish of Stan Laurel. Cameron's gritted teeth could so easily be muttering
"Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into!"

The photo appeared in a witty article written by Ann Treneman of The Times under the headline
A manful struggle to keep the magic alive
In this, she quotes a memorable line from Cameron
What you call austerity, what I might call efficiency

Now that is what I would call a typical PR man's spin! The linking of austerity with efficiency is a link too far, in my humble opinion! If there ain't no jobs - that's austerity and there's no way you can be efficient! Maybe, our Laurel and Hardy need to have a word or two with their European pals and find out whether austerity and efficiency are synonymous in their particular vocabularies.

Ann Treneman concludes:
Young marrieds take note. This is not how to keep the magic alive. A mere two years ago, Dave and Nick strolled down the garden path. I suppose the dangers were there last year when they spent their first anniversary in the handball arena in the Olympic park. But tractors?

Next year, who knows? Maybe it will be the abattoir.

'Laurel' Clegg and 'Hardy' Cameron as mincemeat! Now that is an image to conjure with!

Talking about mincemeat - Arturo and I are off to scavenge round the nearby butcher's floor for any scraps!


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