Sunday 30 September 2012

Surely not Big Brother @ No 10

"This party conference season gets on my tits!" Arturo stated firmly. "They're all acting like salesmen selling themselves as brands!"

He is right, you know. Last week we had the unedifying figure of 'Wailing Lad' Clegg being prepared to say or do anything to gain love and affection. All rather pathetic really. At the end of the week, everyone hated him just the same. Humiliation and grovelling are not in Clegg's known vocabulary.

This week, it's Labour's opportunity to try to shine. Will they succeed any better? Who knows! However, they do have one thing going for them - a large juicy lead in the opinion polls. Now that is something not to be sniffed at!

Ed 'Gromit-lookalike' Miliband has started well by telling everyone that he knows how to handle the banks and those 'swine' bankers! Great news! But saying he will and actually doing it are not one and the same thing. Still, Arturo and I were cheered by this.

All that Ed 'Gromit-lookalike' Miliband needs to do now is to agree with the letter writers in the Guardian who wrote:
We urge delegates and conference organisers to help ensure the essential content of the resolutions is discussed, voted on and passed, and all parts of the Labour party to join with health workers' unions and health campaigners to defend the NHS against the Tories' assault.>

Of course, the real expert salesmen are the Tories. Most have not been used car salesman or double-glazing reps - their daddies probably owned the companies. But 'Boy David' Cameron, 'Georgy' Osborne et al still have to sell themselves! Cameron has even tried to 'sell' himself to the Americans and Brazilians. Janet Daley of the Telegraph was not impressed:
There was a headline on one of the television news channel websites last week which read (this is an exact quote): “PM David Cameron addressed the UN on the need to support the Arab Spring, before appearing on the Letterman show”. Does anybody else see the incongruity here? What if it had said, “Prime Minister offers plan for world peace before doing limbo dance with banana balanced on his nose”? We have now apparently reached the point where a major national leader’s stint on a comedy programme has pretty much the same political news value as an intervention in the most dangerous global conflict of our time.
This came under the headline : 'Likeability’ is the bane of modern politics: Clowning around on a chat show, or even being a devoted Dad, may count for less than having a serious grasp of economic reality.

Janet Daley's comments are sad but true. What must Cameron, Clegg and Miliband do to ensure they lead their parties into the next Election? Easy! Get picked for Big Brother!!! Shush! Quietly now! They mustn't let 'Mop Head' Johnson hear that! He already thinks he's on Big Brother everyday - and we all know how popular he is!

Arturo and I are dining in tonight - we're rodent hunting.


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