Thursday 1 September 2011

The Grand Old Duke of York marches @ No 10

I had hoped for a nap, this morning - had a long night's rat-catching the previous night! There seemed to be loads of them. But the commotion at about 9:30 am woke me up with a start! "Oh No!" I heard someone wail. "They're really making cuts to the Army and the Air Force! I don't believe it!" I peered over the top of the desk on which a large monitor was flashing:
Sir Mike Jackson says forces cuts put capability at risk
( The BBC website showed a video of Sir Mike Jackson looking grim indeed. And he had every reason to look grim, as he said. "The Defence force personnel cuts may put the UK's future military capability at risk," He went on to say:
The defence review laid out a force structure to be achieved by 2020. Between now and then there are some risks being taken. For example, we will not have a carrier strike capability for the next eight/nine years or so. I'm assured that the arithmetic will balance out in terms of manpower and commitments but of course we live in an uncertain world, no-one forecast, for example, the commitment to Libya which has taken place over the last few months and there will be other unforeseen eventualities I have no doubt.
He wasn't the only person to voice his concern. Jim Murphy MP, Labour's shadow defence secretary, commented:
The government's decision to cut the deficit too far and a rushed defence review which cut too fast means frontline forces are being sacked. Our forces perform heroics and must be treated accordingly. Ground crew who are essential for frontline RAF operations and army personnel who may serve in Afghanistan in future are being sacked today. The country will be hurt that brave Ghurkhas, championed by David Cameron in opposition, are also being made compulsorily redundant. In a world of uncertainty it is worrying that ministers' decisions are leading to Britain's strategic shrinkage by stealth.
Another person who has indicated her grave concern is Catherine Spencer, of the Army Families Federation. She said it was a very difficult time for families.
All Army families are going to be concerned about whether or not their soldier will be made redundant.
Nothing daunted, the Coalition had two poker-faced men announcing that their policies were well judged and calculated. One was Liam Fox, Defence Secretary. He smiled and implied he had everything - but everything - under control. Maybe, when he was a doctor, he used the same bedside manner - intended to comfort and reassure when the person addressed felt far from comfortable! He does have the 'manner' as they say. And what did our understanding Doc Liam Fox have to say - why comforting words no less:
Of course redundancies are always sad news, but we will continue to have strong and capable forces and we appreciate the hard work of our brave armed forces.
Hang on! Thanks for nothing, mate! I'm sure those who've just been 'sacked' for that is what has happened, are not exactly thrilled that Doc Fox appreciates their 'hard work'. What about the poor blokes and lasses who've just lost their jobs? What about them?

** Are you, Doc Fox, going to personally ensure that they and their families get the sort of golden handshakes that the bankers received?

** Are you, personally, going to ensure that those who have to move - and pronto - from their service personnel housing - will be provided with a housing package?

** Are you, personally, Doc Fox, going to find a decent, well-paid job for the soldiers and airmen who have risked their lives for the safety of this country? Or will you close your eyes as they line up at the - laughably named - Job Centres. Because, as we know there AREN'T ANY JOBS!

** Are you, personally, Doc Fox, going to see that those of them being cast out, by these cuts, will have counselling - should they need it?

I'm sure this Doc Fox is a decent chap, has been a good doctor and has a conscience - but I'm equally sure he cannot guarantee a 'Yes' response to any of the above queries.

Next up - rushing to the support of this drastic - daft - Defence policy of this rash Coalition was Forces Minister, Nick Harvey. You could tell he was vaguely queasy when he appeared on BBC TV. His eyebrows had the disconcerting ability to shoot up, then down, like a pair of demented hairy caterpillars unsure of their location. However, like the good little mouthpiece he is, nothing daunted - Liberal Democrat though he be! - Our Nicholas Barton Harvey, MP for North Devon, declared that the redundancies will be given face-to-face along the chain of command. Well, that's really great! He then blamed the Labour Government's 'grim inheritance'. Tut tut! Mr Harvey - one day you may be in coaliton with Labour - then what will you say: "It was the Tories what made me do it, honest Gov!"

I just bet that when the Defence Management Journal published the following comment about Nick Harvey
The Liberal Democrats probably have the best defence policy at the moment. Nick Harvey is one of the most knowledgeable MPs on defence subjects outside of government and always has something to say
They had no idea that he was to support such dramatic cuts!

But as Arturo says with great regularity; "C'est la vie, mi old pal! C'est la vie! If you sup with the Devil - you need a long spoon!"

Trouble is - Arturo won't tell me who the Devil is!!!


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