Monday 26 September 2011

Georgy and the 'lame duck' @ No 10

Arturo came thundering into the kitchen: "Watch it! Georgy is rushing through the inter-connecting doors between here and No 11! He's in a right old state!"

I licked my paws - I still had cream on them, before replying: "What's wrong with him now?"

"What's not wrong - is more like it!"

We both followed the sounds of squeaking shoes heading fast down the corridor leading to the Terracotta Room. I caught sight of the ghastly 'More Passion' artwork as it flickered on the wall. Then, I saw the back of Georgy's head. His black curls were disheveled and when he turned round I saw that he was red in the face.

"See what I mean?" Arturo whispered.

"I've got enough on my plate running the Treasury, balancing the books, bringing down the deficit, advising the IMF, speaking to Angela Merkel - and ensuring that we get re-elected in 2015 now! Now, I have others in the Cabinet undermining my financial plans!" Georgy Osborne did indeed sound rattled. Usually his excellent Etonian training has helped him maintain the suave outer persona. Now - here he was talking to himself in loud whispers!

I was curious - whatever could have caused him to act so out of the character he has striven to present to the outside world. I left Arturo listening to the rant. I went off to investigate.

It wasn't long before I discovered part of the reason. I owed the discovery to James Kirkup, political editor of The Daily Telegraph. He wrote an article today entitled: 'George Osborne is warned of disaster over welfare reforms'. It seems that some
senior Whitehall officials and industry experts
have been investigating the claims made by those hoping to implement the Universal Credit.

Now - you will recall in my post on 14 September 2011: There's many a slip twixt ... @ No 10 , I described the high aims of the 'Silent Man' Iain Duncan Smith to reform the welfare payments. The new Universal Credit IT system would be tested by April 2013. It would then come into play in September 2013.

This short timetable was crucial to Georgy's hopes for the Coalition's success at the next election! If it worked - the great British people would applaud him for helping to bring down the deficit 'at a stroke'. This would ensure votes! And what, my friends, do votes mean? Why - they mean POWER! And we all know that POWER is what Georgy and 'Boy David' Cameron want. Otherwise - how can they continue in government? There's no fun being in Opposition! You miss out on the perks of power - jolly old hols and all that! Great lodgings in Downing Street! Lovely country estates - all at no personal expense.

So - who in their right mind wouldn't want to continue in POWER!

Now - along comes this Silent Man Iain Duncan Smith - he promised great things - his reforms would produce:
'a simpler benefits system' that 'will help cut down on the £5 billion a year wrongly paid out through fraud and error'.

If this plan succeeded - what a boost to the hopes for the next election. There's nothing the public like more than seeing fraudsters put in their place.

The snag, however, is the IT strategy. Firstly the majority of benefit claimants do not process their claims online - a pre-requisite for the 'Universal Credit' to work! Secondly, the failure rate of new IT programs is well documented! Many don't work at all! Others manage to lose data in abundance! Those that do work come in months - or even years - late!!

Horror of horrors for Georgy Osborne! The Universal Credit may not live up to its name. It may be neither 'universal' nor will it bring 'credit'! In fact - it may turn out to be a 'lame duck'!

According to James Kirkup's article:

The fears within Whitehall echo alarm already expressed by independent observers. The National Audit Office has warned that the welfare reform programme faces major risks. The chairman of the Commons public accounts committee has called the plan “a train crash waiting to happen”.

So - now I understood why Georgy Osborne was standing in the Terracotta Room beneath 'More Passion' and tearing his hair out!

Come to think of it - Arturo and I wouldn't mind a 'lame duck' or two running round Downing Street!


From Arturo

From Me

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