Thursday 26 May 2011

While the Boss is away - again - @ No 10

I've been very busy - I'll do a proper posting about my problems soon - but for now my problems pale into insignificance compared to that of my Boss - the PM himself 'Boy' David Cameron.

What a week he's had. Still basking in the sunlight that flowed from the Queen, after the Irish visit, our Boy David was tanned by the soothing warmth that emanated from President and Mrs Obama's visit. He visibly glowed in Westminster Hall and Buckingham Palace. It was a real publicity coup. That's not to say that the President didn't enjoy it - he assuredly did. But not half as much as the PM. It was patently obvious to the UK and the world that he, and he alone, heads up the UK government. The poor Wailing Lad Clegg was left in no doubt that he is a very, very junior Deputy.

Now - Boy David is still basking in the glow of the G8 meeting in Paris. They all stride purposefully down some large avenue - how do I know, you ask, me being a humble cat and all? Well, I know 'cos I saw it on the TV! There was my Boy David looking polished and bright as a button with the other leaders around him. Good on you, Boy, some would say.

However - is this glow going to last? No - No and No again! Already the cold air is coming fast at him. And why is this? Well, one of his party has been heard to call the faithful LibDems - 'yellow bastards!'. Why are the LibDems 'yellow bastards'? Because they are trying to sabotage the Lansley NHS plans. The right-wing Tories are up-in-arms about this. He is one of their own and they will fight for him tooth and nail. Actually what they are reported to have said is :
We Conservatives are ruthless and tribal. We are going to stand up for our man.

Now, this will cause the tan to fade from Boy David's cheeks fast! He may be King of the Castle, at the moment, but he won't want Wailing Lad Clegg too upset. Election boundary changes will not come in for another two years - he has to hang on to the Coalition till then. After that, well - it's plain sailing. The new boundaries will favour the Tory Party - at least better than they do now!

So, you see, he doesn't want those 'yellow bastards' so upset that they pull the plug on the bathtub of their alliance!

Poor Boy David has another problem awaiting him when he gets home. His parents-in-law are fighting tooth and nail to keep their stately home smelling sweetly. Sutton Park - home to Sir Reginald Sheffield, father of the Prime Minister's wife Samantha, and Lady Sheffield must not be ruined. They want the tourists to troop round the crumbling towers 'oohing and aahing' without the smell of rotting flesh getting up their noses! And why should the smell of rotting flesh get up their noses? Because a local man and several local farmers want to provide more facilities for slaughtering of animals! Some dilemma, eh?

As a mere under stairs cat - I cannot venture to think what will be going through the mind of Boy David when he arrives home. One minute you're riding high then ...Whack, you're ... as they say!

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