Friday 22 July 2011

20/20 hindsight @ No 10

Never considered for a moment that Boy David needed reading glasses. But his comment :
With 20/20 hindsight and all that has followed I would not have offered him [Coulson] the job and I expect that he wouldn't have taken it. But you don't make decisions in hindsight, you make them in the present. You live and you learn and believe you me, I have learned.
It made me wonder a bit. Suppose, just suppose, you could buy a pair of spectacles which really did give you 20/20 hindsight and another that gave you 20/20 foresight! With the hindsight specs you'd see all the mistakes you'd made, but would you be able to avoid the consequences: a veritable Chinese puzzle!

If Boy David really was able to have real 20/20 hindsight - just imagine what he'd have seen:

The Big Mistakes Coming His Way:

1. NHS Reforms which in July 2010 were a priority had by June 2011 become a pause!

2. Immigration cuts required in April 2010 : The Tory election manifesto said "immigration is too high" and they promised to reduce net migration to "tens of thousands" a year. But by April 2011 this had merely become an 'ambition'.

3. Selling off the forests: This was announced in January 2011. But had been shelved by February 2011!

4. Automatic Jail Sentences For Knife Carriers: By December 2010 only 'serious' crimes will merit a jail sentence. Now, in July 2011 2 Tory MPs are demanding that there should be custodial sentences for 15 year-olds who are carrying knives. A u-turn and a double-salko!

5. Housing Benefit Cuts were announced in June 2010. Housing benefit reform was in "dire need of reform". By February 2011 many of these cuts were dropped

6. Cutting Free Debt Advice: announced in January 2010. By February 2011, Business Secretary Vince Cable said: "It's vitally important everyone has access to free debt advice". The budget was reinstated.

7. Following in the steps of 'Thatcher, Thatcher, the milk snatcher' in August 2010, it was announced that school milk provision for the under-5s was 'too expensive' and would be stopped. But almost as soon as the words were out - David Cameron cancelled the policy. A dizzy-making turn!

8. Axing Free Books For young children: announced in December 2010. This meant Booktrust would go and poor families would not get the books provided under Labour. A matter of days later, it was announced that: "We will continue to fund Booktrust in the future."

9. The appointment of Andy Coulson ..... need one say more!

After looking at the list, Arturo and I scratched our heads! Wouldn't it be dreadful if you really could see with 20/20 hindsight - see all the stupid things you were going to say - view the reactions of others - watch in horror as you were forced into appearing to be a real clot!

So, over the very long Parliamentary summer recess, will Boy David look into the crystal ball of destiny and cross the Gypsy's palm with silver and come up with the ideal programme for the new session in the Autumn? A programme that will be u-turn free. A programme that does just what it says on the label. Somehow, I don't think he'll find that Gypsy Rose who has 20/20 foresight and will save him from himself and his Cabinet pals.

In fact, all he really needs to do is to stock his Cabinet with people possessing a mere spark of intelligence and a bucket-load of integrity - but surely - that's too much to hope for from this Coalition!

'Bye' from Arturo:

And 'Bye' from me:

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