Wednesday 13 July 2011

A bad day for the Murdochs @ No 10

Boy David was up bright and early: nice clean shirt, smart tie, hair done immaculately; had a long gargle, teeth specially whitened. He'd been rehearsing his smile since before breakfast! So - all set and ready to go into the fray of what promised to be a rather daunting PMQs.

Arturo and I took our life in our hands and walked down Whitehall, squeezed our way into Parliament and sneaked into the Chamber. We managed it, my friends!

There were row upon row of noisy, disgruntled looking people all filing in. We had arrived early and slid beneath the Speaker's chair, without being seen.

The session began, Boy David, looking rather flustered, I must say, uttered a few remarks. Then the Startled One, Ed Miliband, Leader of the Opposition, got to his feet to a round of tumultuous cheers from his party - Labour.

Arturo and I heard everything and were surprised to hear Miliband getting the better of Boy David. We saw Georgy from No 11, patting his pal, David, on the back each time he sat down. Rather touching really!

Then Boy David left the Chamber, accompanied by Georgy! Boy David was in a sort of strop! It was all too much for them obviously! They were not going to wait to take part in the big debate about Murdoch, phone hacking and the BSkyB takeover! Funny that! I can't think why they didn't want to say their pieces! Surely, they weren't still worried about the power of Rupert Murdoch and the Red Haired Vamp!

Anyway - into the Chamber lumbered an enormous bear of a man. People gasped when they saw him. Some smiled, others looked anxiously away!

"Who is that?" Arturo asked, awestruck.

"That, my friend, is the former Prime Minister, Gordon Brown. He hasn't been seen for months! He's hardly spoken! He's writing a book! There are many who are terrified of him! Others just loathe him."

The debate began - nothing very enlightening or exciting was said. They all agreed that News Corp could not take over BSkyB - funny that! News Corp had already withdrawn its bid, but since they'd said there would be a debate - there was a debate! Humans are strange, aren't they?

It was very, very, very noisy! The Speaker, a cat lover of renown, controlled the situation brilliantly. Though there was one moment when he shouted so loudly, Arturo and I thought he would pass out! He went purple and the veins on his neck bulged with the exertion!

Then, this Gordon Brown got to his feet! What a man! I'll say it again - what a man! He was magnificent! He spoke with passion. Clearly deeply touched personally, his comments struck a cord with many. However, others kept shouting 'Sit down! Sit down!' He bided his time and only sat down when he was good and ready!

Arturo and I waited till the end of the debate. Wailing Lad Clegg sauntered in at the very end. Clever that! He gave a sheepish sideways glance at the Bear! Then quickly turned away.

The motion was passed - 'News Corp - You've had it!' - That was the general message!
So, the Chamber emptied and Arturo and I crept out, back along Whitehall and through the rose garden into No 10.

"No more bits of crumpet thrown our way from those lovely white fingers!" Arturo bewailed.
"Whose 'lovely white fingers'?" I asked.
"Why the Red Headed Vamp! She liked the look of me, I think!"

I thought about it, for a while. "I wouldn't be too sure about that, Arturo. With women like that and men like the Murdochs - they're never really out of the picture. I reckon, they'll be back!"

Bye from us both!

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