Monday 18 July 2011

Will someone fly to the rescue @ No 10?

Boy David flew off to Africa! He hoped that while he was on the magic carpet some genie would be conjured up and relieve him of all his little local difficulties. Instead of a genie, however, he got Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson. This angel of doom, by implication, stated that Boy David's employing of slinky old Andy Coulson in Downing Street was a far more reprehensible deed than the employing of Coulson's Deputy, Neil Wallis, by the Met. Yet, Sir Peter Stephenson has resigned!

Oh Boy! Our Prime Minister must have been flabbergasted! Who was this upstart policeman to say such a thing? Boy David went on to say:
I would argue in terms of Andy Coulson: no one has argued that the work he did in government in anyway was inappropriate or bad. He worked well in government, he then left government.

There is a contrast, I would say, with the situation at the Metropolitan police where clearly issues have been around whether or not the investigation has been pursued properly. That is why Sir Paul reached a different conclusion. So I don't think the situations are the same in any shape or form.

You can tell, can't you that our Boy is seriously riled! He continued:
As I said to [Sir Paul] on many occasions, including on Tuesday night, the Metropolitan police service inquiry must go wherever the evidence leads. They should investigate without fear or favour.

But I would say that the situation in the Metropolitan police service is really quite different to the situation in government, not least because the issues that the Metropolitan police service are looking at have a direct bearing on public confidence into the police inquiry into the News of the World and indeed into the police itself.

Today, in Parliament - that gem of a girl - dressed in sea blue, Yvette Cooper, pointed out that there was now a lack of public confidence in the Prime Minister himself, wasn't there?
In other words 'what's sauce for the goose - is sauce for the gander!' Stephen son being the said 'goose' and Boy David the 'gander'. But she did not put it as crudely as I have just done.

So - the last week of the Commons until the Autumn! Whew! And Whew, again! The timing may well let Boy David off the hook! But then again ...

Tomorrow the three foolish monkeys are appearing in the House of Commons: Murdoch Senior, Murdoch Junior and the Red-Haired Vamp herself, Mrs Rebekah Brooks! They could ... spill the beans/ dish the dirt/ wash the dirty linen ... Or, they could say nothing at all!
I have booked my seat, along with Arturo. We've collected some sardine scraps and sour cream! Yum! Yum! It should be a feast for the eyes and ears and, in our case, a feast for the belly too!

Take your seats, I urge you as one Holywood legend once said: 'Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride'. I just hope Boy David doesn't get motion sickness!


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