Monday 11 July 2011

Hellfire @ No 10

I read a tweet the other day it said: 'What Murdoch is to truth, Blair is to sanity'. I thought about it, as anyone would. I wondered what the tweeter would say about Boy David. I'm still working on it because as the days go by, things are getting worse and worse! If it was the doom-laden hand of Mephistopheles on his shoulder, last week: now it's the Devil's Claw reaching out for him!

Yes, Boy David is sinking further and further into the mire! He and some of his aides are getting the panics about Mr Coulson! One aide said to another, just a few steps away from me:
"What did we leave lying around our desks when Andy worked in the next office?"
"He didn't need it to be lying around, did he? He just knew things!"
"What sort of things?"
"Oh, my God!"

So, you see there is general horror here. Who said what to whom and when did they say it? Boy David's memory is not great - so he can't recall his indiscretions. You can bet there were many though!

Now - to crown it all - that Miliband chap - Ed that is not David - is really going for it! He has the proverbial bit between his teeth and won't let go! Why didn't Boy David listen to Wailing Lad Clegg when he warned him about Andrew Coulson? Why, indeed?

It wasn't just Wailing Lad who warned him. All and sundry warned him and did so repeatedly. You can always tell an old Etonian, but you can't tell him anything! I think that's what they say! As far as Boy David is concerned that, my dears, is very true. For he knows the answers to the questions before the questions have been asked - indeed before they have even been thought up! So, such a clever fellow wasn't going to be told who to have as his right-hand man!

Now the sh** has hit the fan! Time will tell whether Boy David will get out of this one. Still, I think he should go and read Christopher Marlowe! Salutary lessons there!


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