Tuesday 22 February 2011

The Boy David away

You know what they say 'While the cat's ....'  Well - in this case 'When the Boy David's ...'
And have 'they' been playing?

Too right, they have.  First of all that chap, Grovel is it?  No Gove, I think that's more like it.  He needs to re-think his ideas, I heard some chap saying.  I was under the table at the time, you understand.  They were eating salmon sandwiches, the chaps who were talking.  Messy eaters too.  So, I got my fair share of salmon!

Anyway, one of them said that Grovel, sorry Gove, could be in trouble with his reforms!  First he wants all the schools to be free!!  And he's a Tory!!  Now, he wants all the orphanages closed down and all the children adopted.  He thinks the State will save money that way.  Bring down the State debt, so he seems to think, save the taxpayers' money and all that.  But one of the chaps said, he doesn't know his ar... from his head - or words to that effect!  The State will be paying out masses in benefits.

Now - if this Grovel/Gove chap had said each family in the UK had to adopt an unwanted cat or kitten - just like the Boy David and his family - then I think we'd all agree he did know his ar.. from his head.

Must go hunting - now the Boy David is far away on his travels putting the world to rights!!!  So I heard, the rats are sure to come out of the woodwork!  And I'm here to get them.  Larry's fast asleep on the sofa!

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