Wednesday 3 August 2011

Pooh Bah calls the shots @ No 10

On 1 July 2011, I wrote a post called 'Gold-plated pensions @ No 10'. It featured one 'Weasel Man' namely: Francis Maude, Tory MP for Horsham, Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster General. As then, so am I now amazed by the status of this man.

At that time, however, it appeared he was not quite as impressive as the titles he held - a bit like a veritable 'Lord-High-Everything-Else' - none other than a modern Pooh Bah.

Now Francis Maude has surfaced again to rail not against 'gold-plated pensions but vowing to end lucrative pay deals for senior public servants. It seems that the Government, eager to be 'transparent' as far as everybody else's business is concerned, published a list of 291 people who are paid more than £150,000 and some of whom have extra allowances up to £60,000.

Well now - I thought to myself, Weasel Man is on to something here - these chaps and chapesses do seem to be very well paid indeed. It seems that at least two of these highly paid people had expenses for travel and accommodation. Weasel man commented:

These kind of deals are relics of the past. It is absurd to expect that people can be paid the same amount in the public sector as they are paid in the private sector. People come in [from the private sector] to do jobs at senior levels in the public sector because they have an opportunity to make a big difference in the public sector, where they can work on a huge canvas.

These [deals] are a feature of the past and not the future. They were made when money was thought to grow on trees.

What a man! What a man of integrity! A veritable Daniel among men.

Then, I thought I'd take a look at the expenses of 'Lord-High-Everything-Else'. MPs have to be transparent, don't they, even if they were dragged kicking and screaming to this state of affairs.

What did I find, my friends? Well - for the year 2008/2009 our Mr Francis Maude, Paymaster General etc etc claimed the following:

Staying away from main home: £22,207
Office running costs: £12,888
Staffing costs: £89,993
Communications Allowance: £22,373
Members' Travel: £ 6,281
Members' Spouse Travel: £ 42
Stationery: £ 2,013
Grand Total: £155,797

My, my, my! I thought - that's a lot of dosh for old Pooh Bah. Then again. since he thinks that expenses like travel and accommodation are:
a feature of the past and not the future. They were made when money was thought to grow on trees.
I'm sure he will agree to waive all such expenses claims in future and live off his parliamentary ministerial salary. Which is how much?
Cabinet ministers receive a salary of £134,565

Oh, I see - it's a mere pittance! Of course, Parliament ended a week ago and it won't sit again until the Autumn. No doubt Weasel Man will have to tend his flowerbeds, collect the rental from one of his homes and have a prolonged rest from being 'Lord-High-Everything-Else' which must be very onerous, I'm sure you will agree.

I sat on the doorstep and basked, for a wee while in the summer sunshine. I thought how strange are the ways of political man. One minute ranting against the public servants who work from 9 to 5 and have three to four weeks holiday a year. The next minute drooling over their own expenses cheques - which are as we've been told 'a relic of the past'.

Me - I'm just glad I'm a cat and don't get no expenses!


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