Sunday 14 August 2011

Flash-Foot May skins leopards @ No 10

I was having a nap - after all the hurly-burly who could blame me? I was rudely awoken by a click-click sound making its way along the corridor. Never one to exert myself, at such time, I peeped out from beneath the long golden, velvet curtain behind which I was snuggled.

The sight that met my eyes caused my hair to stand on end. For there right before my nose was leopard skin! Now, I know leopards and cats like me are supposed to be brothers under the skin - but I tell you this, my friend - brother he may be - but his dinner I ain't goin' to be!

I waited for the growl - nothing happened. So, bravely, I peeped out again. There was the leopard skin - only this time there were two of them! Holy Moses, I thought. Has Boy David finally lost his marbles and imported wild cats to ensure peace on the London streets?

Then, I heard a woman's voice - soft but rather moany - if you know what I mean. Gosh! I thought - that must be some woman - to be in the same room as two leopards! Then, I heard Boy David's voice. True, he sounded agitated but not in fear and trepidation.

Well, I thought, if he can face it - so can I. I stuck my head through the gap in the curtain and took a long look. There before my eyes were the two leopard skins! Right as day is day - they were there before my very eyes. The only thing was - they didn't have no body - nor head!

Instead, these pieces of skin - for that's what they were, my friend, were wrapped around the feet of this woman whose voice I'd heard. Ah ha! I though, she's some sort of big-game hunter!

At that moment, Arturo snuck up beside me: "I see our Flash-Feet May is in town." He snarled.

"Flash-Foot May! Who's she, when she's at home?"

"Oh, very clever!" Arturo said.

"What are you on about?" I was beginning to find Arturo annoying.

"Flash-Foot May - don't you know? She's Theresa May, the present Home Secretary. I thought you knew. Just look at her feet - you don't see many like those round here!"

"You mean she skins leopards for their pelts and makes them into shoes. Is it some sort of voodoo charm?"

"Don't be daft, Butch! She don't skin nothin'! She buys the things. They're called kitten heels!"

"You mean they skin leopard kittens!" I felt very indignant and faintly sick at the thought of this kitten-skinning.

"No! Least, I don't think so! She wears flash shoes all the time. She even wore leopard pattern boots to the Tory Party Conference, last year."

I took a good look at the woman. She was tall, very tall - with a mop of hair that flopped over her eyes. Her eyes were the unflinching sort! She didn't look at all pleased with life. Yet, this was the 'famed' lady Home Secretary who said of her relationship with the police:

I've ordered that type of approach to be taken by other forces and cancelled police leave.

The police were not having this. They retorted that she had no power to order them to do anything. That did not go down well with this Flash-Foot May. She'll have her own way, in the end, she's not a girl to be meddled with! She said:

What I was absolutely clear about...was making sure that police knew what I expected of them and what the public expected from them. And the public were not happy about what they were seeing on the streets.

Now - everyone in the country has made it clear that they want Boy David, Georgy and this Flash-Foot May to change their minds on cutting back the police. But our feisty huntress will not have this. She said:

I'm absolutely clear that police budgets can be cut without effecting the ability of the police to do the job that they want to do, that I want them to do, and that the public want them to do.

So there! That's telling them! Don't mess with this girl! She skins leopards for starters! Who knows what's next on her menu?

'Bye' from Arturo:

'Bye' from me:

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