Saturday 13 August 2011

A lot of 'sound and fury' @ No 10

It was all hands to the pumps, a couple of days ago. Now the frenzy has settled into torpor. Boy David's natural tan was beginning to fade - the London drizzle and the Commons fizz seemed to have a disastrous impact on his complexion which has gone back to Anglo-Saxon mud. No doubt the tanning lamp will be out to get that orange glow, he does so love.

Arturo and I watched the Parliament TV coverage of the 'Big' debate on the riots! Boy David, well coiffured, smartly dressed and word perfect - gave his speech. Then, he fielded questions in much the same way that the England cricketers fielded their catches in the Test Match.

We listened as MP, after MP, after MP rose and uttered comments of much 'sound and fury' but they signified 'nothing'. We guessed it was an exercise in trying to prove to their constituents that they were brilliant caring politicians worthy of their hire.

In fact, hardly any of them said anything worth saying - far less worth hearing! It was an exercise in mass PR. If anyone with half a brain was watching/listening/yawning/sleeping - they would have gleaned not one iota of an idea about:
1. Why the riots took place?
2. Who gave the orders to the police?
3. What attempts would be made to find solutions?
etc. etc. etc.

Some MPs congratulated themselves because they happened to be out on the streets at the time of the riots. Others said how quickly they had returned, once they realised how serious it was.

But - quite frankly - Boy David could have stayed in sunny Tuscany; Flash-Shoes May could have remained in the Alps; Georgy might as well have continued scoffing canapes in Los Angeles - for all the good that they did.

True - they marched up Tottenham High Street - they tutted along the smoke filled roads of Croydon - they looked suitably sympathetic in Brixton.

But what was the result? Nothing of any real substance that will help to stop the same thing happening all over again.

Meanwhile, the people who actually live on the rioted streets - took out their brooms and cleared up - no doubt they will now have to wait for weeks or months to get any real, practical help.

Never mind though - jolly old hols are not over for our intelligent, diligent MPs who by now will have scattered away to find a little piece of the Earth where sunshine actually exists.


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