Friday 19 August 2011

I say, I say, I say @ No 10

Arturo and I took an 'away-day' on Wednesday. High-Tail Tom arranged a trip round London for us. We arrived in Tottenham at the same time as Mop-Head Boris, Bagpuss Pickles and a couple of elderly Royals.

Mop-Head was his usual frenetic self - dashing here, there and everywhere a lot of 'sound and fury signifying nothing', as the great Poet would have said. Bagpuss Pickles - eager to be seen to be doing his 'bit', tried to look intelligent and sympathetic at the same time. An Herculean task for him.

The two were like an Old Time Music Hall act -
'I say, I say, I say - what should the Mayor of London do when Londoners are rioting?'.
'I don't know! What should the Mayor of London do when Londoners are rioting?'
'Try to look as though he really gives a damn.'

'I say, I say, I say - what should the Minister for Local Government do when local authorities are collapsing?'
'I don't know! What should the Minister for Local Government do when local authorities are collapsing?'
'Get a degree in voodoo psychology.'

So there, my friends, you have it in a nutshell - London and the Local Authorities are being run by people who are really more interested in their own image than in actually solving the problem. A problem only becomes a real problem when it hits them personally.  Then it becomes everyone's problem!

To be fair - Mop-Head and Bagpuss are not alone in this - they represent the tip of the iceberg. 9 out of 10 politicians - whether in or out of power - are only concerned with their own careers and future prospects. They will say or do anything to get into power. Once there, they will say or do anything to ensure they remain in power. Meanwhile - the rest of us - cats included, you understand - had better fend for themselves. There ain't going to be any help from anyone else!

Sorry to be so cynical - maybe it's because I didn't get my usual sardines today!


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