Wednesday 24 August 2011

No more houses, please, we're British @ No 10

A new man entered into our lives today - by 'our', I mean Arturo and me! We thought we had seen and heard the lot! But this new chap appeared on our radar. Let me describe him to you. He's young - but looks younger than he is - from a distance that is! He has brown hair and blue eyes - altogether a personable looking bloke! Well groomed - could be a shop window model for men's suits. You get the picture - he is the 'very model of a modern' Tory minister!

Now - why should we be so exercised by this dashing young Lochinvar from Tunbridge Wells? He recently became the Minister for Planning. Now, Arturo and I know something about Planning - in some Greater London Boroughs - if you live in a Conservation Area - you can't repair your windows and doors without filling in endless forms and waiting for weeks for petty bureaucrats to say 'Yea' or 'Nay'. In other Boroughs - you can do just what you like, when you like and how you like. Often - it's who you know that counts - 'Know what I mean?'

Well, this Greg Clark, Minister for Planning, was once in Opposition. Whilst in that lowly state, he took a gander at the Labour Party proposed target to build 6,000 new homes in the Tunbridge Wells area. Oh No! not in Tunbridge Wells!! In a state of near panic at the prospect, our Greg made the following statement in 2007:

One of the delights of our area is that there is scarcely a neighbourhood that is not within a short walk of the green fields that surrounds us.

Under these plans they would border not green fields but development sites. These communities would be urbanised and lose their connection with the surrounding countryside.

Undoubtedly, the good people of Tunbridge Wells loudly cheered and waved their voting slips. "Hurrah for Mr Clark, the Defender of Tunbridge Wells." It certainly didn't do him any harm when the next election came. He was duly returned as their MP.

Of course, I forgot to mention, that Greg works very closely with our old friend - Bagpuss Pickles! What a pair they must make!

Now, Greg Clark is in charge of Planning he has announced a new strategy - assuredly all the leafy suburbs that lie in Tory strongholds will be protected - but what about the rest?

Well - fear not - Greg believes in doing things properly. He opened an article on his new reforms thus:

The French have an admirable phrase - "why make it complicated when you can make it simple?

And why not, indeed?  He went on to state:
There is no reason why growth should mean ugliness. It can - and should - improve our physical environment. Anyone who thinks otherwise should take a tour around our great cities, towns and villages and consider the diminished place that Britain would be if our forebears had been adamant in their opposition to new development.

And other attitudes of the last decade - which are alien to what we have historically thought - also need to be re-considered. In particular, the idea that every blade of grass outside our towns and cities is sacrosanct - and that urban green space should be sacrificed to preserve it - betrays a degree of inhumanity to people who may not live in the countryside, but who still have the same appetite for nature and greenery and life.
Tell that to the good people of Tunbridge Wells!  He does go on - and on - and on - in like manner. Something that the Tunbridge Wellsians would find rather disconcerting.

Now to the crunch - as they say - The National Trust, the great guardian of the British Countryside, is perturbed by Mr Clark's proposals. Its spokesperson stated:

Our primary concern is what the Government's reforms threaten to do to the everyday places in and around cities, towns and villages that are hugely valued by local communities. ...
We believe strongly that any development must meet the needs of people, the environment as well as the economy.

The Government has failed to do this in its reforms. It has put short-term financial gain ahead of everything else.

It has failed to protect the everyday places that local communities love. It has given the power in planning to the already powerful.

Whilst the Government is making warm noises about local communities, in practice the dice are heavily loaded to favour development and local people simply won't get enough say.

Greg Clark has taken on something of the abrasive nature of old Bagpuss Pickles. So he hissed back at The National Trust that it was an organisation that was trying to “preserve in aspic” their towns and villages. That The National Trust was guilty of “nihilistic selfishness” because the objections block much-needed new homes for young people.

So there!! That's telling them. I can hear the cheers of old Pickles!

Now, Arturo and I are behind The National Trust - we enjoy our rare, but delightful, visits to the countryside. We think that Planning Departments need to say 'No' to sprawl - instead of saying 'Yes' to any money-grabbing jerry-builder who has an eye to a fast buck.

But will the Coalition listen - doubt it! Pickles wants to get the local authorities to sell off land. Clark - Greg that is not Ken - wants to spread houses all over the land.

Bring back the Labour plans and let's build 6000 homes in Tunbridge Wells - preferably on Greg Clark's doorstep!


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