Friday 25 March 2011

To the barricades @ No 10

Tomorrow will be a big day! That's what Arturo and I think! Not a big day for us, you understand! But a big day for the Boy David and his pals. Why such a big day, you ask?

Well, there are going to be lots and lots and lots of people in London tomorrow. They might even outnumber the rats in town. These people are coming from the North, the West, the East and the South of the country, so I heard a man telling Boy David. He looked livid, Boy David not the man! He said it was a disgrace, especially after all that George (Gideon) had done for the people. After all, hadn't he saved the pockets of the petrol-heads? Hadn't he helped the squeezed middle? What more did they want?

I heard that it's not just the squeezed middle who're coming to town. It's little old ladies from Gloucester; unemployed people from Durham and Newcastle; farmers from Devon; hauliers from Norfolk; trade unionists from everywhere. UKUncut - whoever they are - will be closing down the banks! Sitting in the shops in Oxford Street - generally protesting!

Trafalgar Square will be the scene of all sorts of antics! Maybe Arturo and I will be able to slink out of Downing Street up Whitehall and into the Square. We'd add some class, don't you think? We might even meet up with Mrs Bercow's cat. Gather she's well up for the jaunt too! But whatever happens, Arturo and I will take a peek. Boy David will head for the hills! Chequers in fact! Larry will probably be taken there in his sumptuous cat basket! Never sees any of the action!

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