Tuesday 26 April 2011

Gobsmacked @ No 10

Arturo and I were open-mouthed with amazement! It was real shock and horror for us! The kitchen staff had left copies of the Sunday Press lying around. There before our eyes - big and bold - was a headline stating :
Larry the No 10 cat catches first mouse ... finally Downing Street's chief mouser snares his first prey after two barren months in the job

Now we knew that Larry was so stuffed full of smoked salmon and coronation chicken that he could hardly move - let alone catch a mouse - and never a rat! But we never thought anyone else was keeping an eye out for the 'big kill'.

It seems that on Good Friday whilst Arturo and I were traipsing back from the Albert Hall, Larry caught the small grey rodent and dropped it at the feet of one of Boy David's secretaries!

The report went on to say that Larry's strong predatory instincts had somewhat dulled since being at No 10! Predatory instincts! That's a laugh!

Anyway, someone gave our friend, Larry, a toy mouse to cavort with! A toy mouse, I ask you! It seems that training took place and the result was that one small grey mouse was caught! Now, Larry is an acclaimed hero.

Arturo and I were suitably disgusted. You could barely count our joint tally of rats! We've had big ones, small ones and yes indeed - one as big as your head!
Do we get publicity - no we do not. I'm beginning to feel more sympathy now with Wailing Lad, Clegg! I know how it feels to do the work and not be appreciated.

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