Friday 15 April 2011

Song of the Humpback whale @ No 10

I was asleep dreaming sweet dreams - bowls of cream, succulent chicken, sardines - you get the general picture? Then, the hairs on my neck stood up on end! Ah Ha! Thought I, that means there's trouble. What's Boy David up to now! I woke and slunk away into a corner. Safest place, I thought to myself as I tried to find out what had so disturbed me.

Then, the sounds came again. Weird, melodic, haunting! Boy, did it give me the creeps. Arturo came tearing in through the window from next door.

"Did you hear that sound?" He was breathless and seemed alarmed, just like me!

"I heard it, Arty, old pal. What was it?"

We saw one of the long-legged secretaries come into the room. She turned up the sound on the radio. It was Radio 4 and some man was chauntering on about the Humpback whale and his music! Arturo looked at me:
"What's a humpback whale, Butch?" I shook my head, didn't have a clue.

"Whatever it is, Arty, I hope it don't come near Downing Street. It would drive my Boy David and your Georgy round the twist and they're pretty near that anyway."

Having said all that, Boy David has been talking sense for once. He says there's been too many immigrants! Well, I could tell him that - there's a Siamese cat across the road. There's a Burmese moggy two doors away. There's an Afghan hound who walks passed the door most days. Even worse, a German Shepherd dog sometimes comes sniffing round No 10 itself.

"Keep 'em all out", says I. "We need pure bred ginger Toms and English Setters round here!"

"Ummm .." Muttered Arturo, "with a name like mine, I'm in trouble then."

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