Tuesday 19 April 2011

Oh no he won't! Says PM @ No 10

Three cheers for the Beeb! Our beloved leader, Boy David, granted the Today programme the honour of interviewing him. Arturo told me that he thought someone had shown the PM the comments in this Blog about his favouring Murdoch's lot! I wonder!

Anyway, that nice Evan Davis did the interview. His problem is that he does get rather too excited and answers his own questions before the interviewee has a chance to open his mouth. Arturo told me that it's because he is far more clever than most of the people he interviews - including the PM and the Chancellor.

I thought that was funny really because you don't have to be that clever to be brighter than either of them. They just used their Daddys' money to get them where they are. Now, they're there - no one dares criticise them! But Evan Davis certainly had a good go - he found the whole thing really rather amusing. He has that endearing sort of giggle when he finds someone's answers rather stupid. John Humphreys gets cross but Evan Davis just laughts - which I suspect is even worse for wehoever is being interviewed.

Anyway, it got under the skin of our Boy David - you could hear him take in deep breaths and then just swallow hard to stop himself from sounding peevish. But his real 'nasty' side came out when he was asked about the possibility of Gordon Brown becoming head of the IMF. If it had been TV, you'd have seen his top lip curl up as he spoke Brown's name. He said he doesn't want a 'washed-up politician from another country' as head of the IMF. But he said, "if you have someone who didn't think we had a debt problem in the UK, when we self-evidently do have a debt problem, then they might not be the most appropriate person to work out whether other countries around the world have debt and deficit problems".

Wonder what he and his pal, George, will do when they are 'washed-up politicians'. Of course, that might well be sooner, rather than later - if the Coalition cracks apart.

Then, Arturo and I would have new bosses for whom we would have to keep the rats away - exciting life, isn't it?

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