Thursday 7 April 2011

While the cats away ....@No 10

Well, it's all peace and quiet for the next two days! Why, because Mrs Boy David will be forty next week. So the lad himself decided to take her away to Spain for a pre-birthday celebration!

Arturo said it was a good thing they hadn't arranged to go to Portugal! Now that would have caused quite a stir! Can you imagine the Portuguese headlines 'British PM fies in to save the Portuguese economy'. It's probably a week or two early for a visit to Spain to have the same impact. As it is, he flew out on a cheap flight, then merged with the crowd, so to speak!

At least it gives the 'pause' in the NHS reforms a real pause. Nothing - just nothing - will happen while Boy David is out of the country. Clegg is still feeling very sorry for himself. He says he doesn't want to be everyone's punchbag! And as for that silver haired old fox, Lansley, he's so tongue-tied with rage that he can't get his words out.

Arturo told me that the three of them sitting together looked like the three 'wise' monkeys in reverse. Boy David, saw evil; Clegg heard evil and Lansley spoke evil. You see, Arturo caught sight of the three of them sitting in the hallway: Boy David was rubbing his eyes; Clegg was scratching his ear and Lansley was yawning with a hand over his mouth. I told Arturo it was a pity that cats like us couldn't take photographs. He said it was lucky for Boy David that we can't!

So - like I said, it's all quiet here at No 10. Quite another matter at No 11. It's all manic there. Georgy running round in circles because of this Portugal thing! He dreads having to help bail them out! It will ruin his calculations and his image! Now, the European Central Bank has raised its interest rates, so he's not well pleased about that either. Arturo said Georgy had his abacus out most of last night and this morning! The sound of the little balls clicking kept poor old Arturo awake all morning!

I've had no such problem! No Boy David or his missus! Bliss! They'd left some scrambled egg and smoked salmon on the sideboard! Must have been in a hurry! Very tasty, I can tell you! Hope they enjoy their tortillas as much as I enjoyed their scrambled egg and salmon.

No need to go hunting tonight! I'll curl up and listen to Radio 4 instead!

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